Discover Pentatonic Freedom

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Freely Playing in EVERY Pentatonic Position!

👉Discover the unique and creative possibilities in every Pentatonic Position!

Do you know your pentatonic and blues scales but you find yourself sticking to one or two fingerings playing the same thing over and over?

Do you watch the pros moving around the fingerboard with ease and wonder how they are doing that?

Do you just want to become a better blues and blues rock guitarist?

Well Mastering Pentatonics: Playing In Position was designed just for you!

One of the most common problems my students have is the inability to play freely in all positions of the minor pentatonic scale. They have some licks but its all very positional, stuck in the same box or two.

I used to feel this was as well until I took the time to investigate what unique possibilities each pentatonic position offers. The guitar is interesting because a lick in one position may be VERY difficult in another. Conversely, a difficult lick in one position may be VERY easy in another. We only discover that by working through each position slowly. Once I started doing this my vocabulary and freedom on the guitar opened up.

Mastering Pentatonics | Playing In Position is about deep diving into the nuances of the pentatonic scale. I do this by giving you an in-depth lesson for each minor pentatonic scale position. I show you the ins and outs, bends, tweaks, phrasing, and, techniques, used to get the most out of each position. Next I give you a number of licks and phrases using the information I gave you in the lesson for you to build upon.

As always tab, notation, and backing tracks are included.

I hope you check out Mastering Pentatonics: Playing In Position, it will help you along the path to becoming a freer player!

Master the Pentatonics

Discover Pentatonic Freedom!

✅ Step-By-Step Video Lessons

✅ PDFs with TABs

✅ Studio Quality Backing Tracks

✅ Watch the course from any browser or use the Teachable iOS App!

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